Sunday, February 17, 2019

Water, water everywhere

It's been a rough few weeks here at home. It started about a month ago when we noticed some water leaking into the basement. It's been a very wet fall and winter so we figured it must be due to the high water table. We'd clean it up with the wet vac and hope for the best. It didn't get any better. It was coming in the room we just finished last spring. We noticed that water was under the floor that we had put down. It's a fake wood floor so it wasn't damaging it but we didn't know how much water was under it. So we ripped up part of the floor and saw where the water was coming in at the base of the foundation. We still thought it was ground water so we would put down towels to soak up the water and use the wet vac when it got too bad. This went on for over two weeks and we started to wonder if it would ever stop. Then, last week we were doing a wash and noticed that the water got a lot worse when the washer was running. I started to wonder if it had something to do with the pipes coming from the well. I decided to test it by doing another wash and watching the leaking water. Sure enough, the water came in fast while the pump was running. To make a long story a little shorter, I called a well company to check it out. They discovered there was a leak in the water pipe and a bad valve on the pump. They came out the next day and dug up the yard. We'll have some landscaping to do this spring! They found the leak in the pipe and repaired it. Finally, after spending quite a bit of money, we have a dry basement and better water pressure. Ah, the joys of home ownership!

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