I should post here more often. Here's some of the things that have been going on.
We continue to travel. In August we went to Boulder Co. for my nephew's wedding. We stayed for a week visiting Rocky Mountain National Park and other areas while we were there. My kids were also there for the wedding which made it a nice family vacation. Boulder is such a great city.
We also went to the finger lakes in New York last fall for our annual wine tasting weekend. It was a great time visiting many wineries and buying about 4 cases of wine. We always stay at a wonderful bed and breakfast that has a nice view of lake Seneca. We should have enough wine to last us until summer!
Health wise it's was eventful year. In August I found out I had a large gallstone so my gallbladder had to be taken out. That went well and I'm now pain free. I also was diagnosed with skin cancer on my nose and forehead so I had to get that taken care of too. I'm going to make sure I always wear sunscreen now!
We're starting to work on the basement this winter getting the walls painted. Eventually we want a couple rooms framed in. We also had a few trees taken down in the fall and several stumps ground up. There's always something to do. We'd like to get a deck built this spring.